Sometimes we expect more from others because we would be willing to do that much for them. — Unknown
Painting is just another way of keeping a diary. — Pablo Picasso
To believe in something and not to live it is dishonest. — Mahatma Gandhi
Life has many different chapters for us. One bad chapter doesn’t mean it’s the end of the book. — Unknown
His morality is all sympathy, just what morality should be. — Oscar Wilde
Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings. — Salvador Dali
Hurt me with the truth, but never comfort me with a lie. — Unknown
A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not the desire to beat others. — Ayn Rand
Every time I think of you, I have to remind myself that if you wanted to talk to me, you would. — Unknown
Do I have my days when I’ve thrown a little pity party for myself? Absolutely. — Jennifer Aniston
You know what the difference is between promises and memories? We break promises while memories break us. — Unknown
I am thankful for the difficult people in my life, they have shown me exactly who I do not want to be. — Unknown
The greatest mistake we humans make in our relationships; We listen half, understand quarter, think zero, and react double. — Unknown
Take a better stand. Put money in my moms hand. Get my daughter this college plan, so she don’t need no man. — Biggie
The struggle is part of the story. — Unknown
You cannot change the people around you, but you can change the people you choose to be around. — Unknown
You are only confined by the walls you build yourself. — Unknown
Aspire to inspire before you expire. — Unknown
Fear does not stop death, it stops life. — Unknown
What you allow is what will continue. — Unknown