Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can shatter souls. Words matter. Choose wisely. – L.R. Knost
Whatever’s good for your soul… do more of that.
I intend to accept my body today, love my body tomorrow & appreciate my body always (no matter my size).
Happy Easter.
Compete with yourself, not with others.
I swear to you, there are divine things more beautiful than words can tell. – Walt Whitman
Stop wearing your wishbone where your backbone ought to be. – Elizabeth Gilbert
Sometimes people with the worst pasts end up creating the best futures.
Find something you’re passionate about & keep tremendously interested in it. – Julia Child
There are no bad children. There are bad choices. There are bad moments. There are bad days. There are bad situations. But there are no bad...
The wrong people always teach you the right life lessons.